Change of topic.. XP
Right... this blog has really starting to become a fan blog! (^_^;)
But I thought I should write about something else other than him.. lol..
Made a trip to this Toy Convention and made a visit to the Blythe booth.
Was never really a fan as I'm not into dolls. But they do look fascinating...
I had visited their exhibtion once at Omotesando once. But photographing were not allowed.
Over here, you can snap all you want!

There were calenders, files, schedule books for sale too.
Decided to grab one of it as a gift for a friend.
A 2010 schedule book ...

Everyone were snapping away at the booths or those cosplayers..
But I'm just contented with taking these..
Never like to squeeze with the crowd to fight for taking photos..
Also.. I should be going to the Natsu Matsuri 2009 this Saturday!!
Just received the tickets today, so I won't have to queue up on the very day for tix!

Never attended this matsuri before here.
Well, I never attended any in Japan either.. heh..
I didn't even attended any obon during the time i was there too.
Intended to go last year but due to some unexpected events, I did not go.
Hopefully this year would be fun!
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