I have always been a big fan of Yahoo Auctions in Japan.
I have heard of Gmarket for quite some time but never bother to venture into it as I wasn't into anything korean. But ever since I started my lessons, I started to venture into korean related sites. Surprisingly, alot of items in here are a steal!! It took me a while to learn navigating as I had to go through some tutorials I found online. Even though its "in English" but the contents etc are still in korean. (-_-;)
Other than the gmarket, I even went to the extend of signing up with some of the "popular" korean sites. Such as ...

Daum is one of the popular web portal which offers free web-based email, messaging service, forums etc. Sigining up with Daum is a lil troublesome as you have to answer their automated call and listen to the number code(in korean) and enter it online for verification. Plus you have to send in a copy of you identification card to them too.
One thing with korean web portals, is that you need to key in the ID number or in my case, for foreigners, you will need to send in some identification to them.
The next one that I sign up with is
Cyworld, a social networking website where the "minihompy" which includes a guestbook, message boards, photos etc are popular among the koreans. Similar with daum, I have to go searching for tutorials on signing up before getting my account.
Lastly I thought since I have sign up for the above, I might as well sign up with this too..

Another one of the popular search portal which also provide free web-based emails etc. After reading so much tutorials for the above, signing up for naver wasn't of much problem.
Due to my limitations with the language, I'm still unable to fully utilise these websites.
This is also the time when I felt that the amount of korean is overwhelming that I start to rely on the online translators. They work wonders..
The online translators to english doesn't make much sense and this is the time when I'm greatful to my Japanese. It really work wonders and most of the sentences makes more sense.
I might elaborate more when I have the time to explore around daum, cyworld or naver.
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